Thursday, October 9, 2008

Son's Death

Ahaziah has died today. He was on his roof when he fell through and recieved a fatal wound. He told his servants to go to the Baal temple and ask Baal if he was going to live. Elijah... I HATE HIM... told the servants to turn around and go back to Athaliah and tell him that he was going to die because he didnt go to Yahweh in his time of need. When the servant came back Ahaziah and I were awaiting the message. They look disapointed like they had failed him or something. I could tell by their faces that all was lost and i was going to lose my precious son forever. I couldnt bare to look at him, but at the same time all i wanted to do was hold him. Of course i also wanted to kill Elijah and all the other followers of Yahweh. They finaly announced that Elijah came to them on their journey to the temple of Baal and that he told them that Athaliah was going to die because he did not seek Yahweh. I stayed with Athaliah until he took he took his final breath. We buried him outside the palace where he could rest in peace. Poor Ahaziah. I also feel kinda bad for Elijah... i think you know why.


Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Many Death's

You know how i told you that Ahaziah died. Well his brother, Jehoram, took over the throne becaue Ahaziah didn't have and heir to the throne. He went to battle with the Syrians at Jezreel by his own commander Jehu, who was annointed as the next king of Israel.

I was told by a cery reliable source that Jehu is supposed to carry out God's judgement on the Omri dynast by killing all the decendants and the servants that were part of the Omri dynasty. Jehu had his army go to Samaria and cut off all the heads of the 70 sons of Ahab and put them in baskets. They killed 42 on the way to Samaria. When they were done in Samarian they took all the baskets and put them in Jezreel. Then they killed all the decendants in Jezreel.

I am afraid that this will be my last entry considering that Jehu is on his way to come kill me and take over Israel.


Tuesday, October 7, 2008

A Death in the Family

I heard that Elijah had anointed a new king of Israel, Jehu, so we are a little scared right now of getting killed. But if anyone comes here we will have the army kill them.

I just got a report that there is someone coming and he is almost here. Ahab and I are waithing for his arrival. We went down stairs to greet him and as soon as we said "Hi, welcome to Israel," he killed Ahab right then and there it was so disgusting. I started yelling to the guards to attack Jehu and kill him, but they couldn't catch him. they chased after him all the way out of the city. When they came back i wanted to kill them for mot killing him, but i didn't. Can someone remind me why I didn't. I cant wait till Jehu shows up agian so i can kill him myself since that so called army failed to kill him.


The Showdown

We got to Mount Carmel and we saw that Elijah was already there. He had two things of fire wood placed on the top of the mountain. We prayed out to Baal to send fire down and light the wood on fire. We prayed and danced to Baal forever. Elijah kept on making fun of us and told us to shout louder maybe he is "taking care of business" and can't hear you. We finally stopped and let Elijah have his turn. He told us to pour buckets of water on the fire just to prove that his god could do anything. He prayed out to his god to send fire down from heaven and set the wood on fire. All the Baal worshipers just froze and stared at the fire in confusion. We went back home and tried to calm down from what had just happened. Ahab and I were still in shock... you would be to if you saw what i saw.


Last Entry

I am one of Jezebel's servants. I am sad to report that Jehu and his army has killed Jezebel. He ordered me and another servant in her house to throw her out of a window. We did just that and they trampled her and killed her. Jehu came right in like he owned the place and started to eat lunch. We went out later that day to go get her so that we could barry her but all we found were her hand and feet. A wild pack of dogs came and ate her so that no one could identify that is was Jezebel. It is a very unfortunate thing that she died this way. The least they could have done was just stab her that way she would still look semi good when we berried her instead of her not even being there. first Ahab and now her do people have something against Ahab's family. Well of course this will be the last entry on this blog account.


Hearing about the Showdown

Elijah came back today. He has some nerve coming down here for like the fourth time. You think he would be scared out of his mind to come to my palace where i have a army just waiting to kill him once i give my demand. he claims that he isn't scared because God is on his side, but i think that he is retarded to think that. Anyways Elijah came our palace to Ahab that he wanted to challenge the Baal cult. He told us to bring all the Baal worshipers and meet him on Mount Carmel and we were going to have a showdown between the two god's. we weren't scared of him we knew our god would come through for us.

Elijah comes agian

Elijah, the prophet of god... yeah right, came to talk to me about the whole Naboth thing. I wanted to kill the dude right then and there. he was like a dang preacher it was so annoying. he was like what you did was very wrong and you will pay for what you have done. I just ignored him and was day dreaming about the next person i was going to kill, and how i was going to kill him of course. I also thought about how i was going to kill Elijah. once he left me and Ahab went back home and plotted revenge on elijah and his God. We only came up with one solution. The solution was that we could send out a message to all the surrounding countries and tell them to put their guards on notice and that if they see him to kill him or capture him and bring him back to us. That didn't work to well considering he never left Isreal he stayed there until he viseted us again.


Naboth's Vineyard

Today Ahab came home whining about this guy named Naboth. Ahab said that he went to Naboth's vineyard to buy his land from him so that we could have people build us a vacation palace. were not going to build our own land..... duh!!! when he came home i got so annoyed of his crying that i went and sent out the Israelite army. They killed Naboth by stoning to death. A long and painful death...awww just what i like. We took his vineyard and built a palace on the land. It is 5 stories and is on 150 acres of land. It is pretty cool.
