Tuesday, October 7, 2008

The Showdown

We got to Mount Carmel and we saw that Elijah was already there. He had two things of fire wood placed on the top of the mountain. We prayed out to Baal to send fire down and light the wood on fire. We prayed and danced to Baal forever. Elijah kept on making fun of us and told us to shout louder maybe he is "taking care of business" and can't hear you. We finally stopped and let Elijah have his turn. He told us to pour buckets of water on the fire just to prove that his god could do anything. He prayed out to his god to send fire down from heaven and set the wood on fire. All the Baal worshipers just froze and stared at the fire in confusion. We went back home and tried to calm down from what had just happened. Ahab and I were still in shock... you would be to if you saw what i saw.


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