Thursday, October 9, 2008

Son's Death

Ahaziah has died today. He was on his roof when he fell through and recieved a fatal wound. He told his servants to go to the Baal temple and ask Baal if he was going to live. Elijah... I HATE HIM... told the servants to turn around and go back to Athaliah and tell him that he was going to die because he didnt go to Yahweh in his time of need. When the servant came back Ahaziah and I were awaiting the message. They look disapointed like they had failed him or something. I could tell by their faces that all was lost and i was going to lose my precious son forever. I couldnt bare to look at him, but at the same time all i wanted to do was hold him. Of course i also wanted to kill Elijah and all the other followers of Yahweh. They finaly announced that Elijah came to them on their journey to the temple of Baal and that he told them that Athaliah was going to die because he did not seek Yahweh. I stayed with Athaliah until he took he took his final breath. We buried him outside the palace where he could rest in peace. Poor Ahaziah. I also feel kinda bad for Elijah... i think you know why.


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